2009년 10월 31일 토요일

Gas Turbine...

When I was in my native country, I worked in Siemens
which is one of biggest companies in Germany for almost 3 years.
At that time, I used to belong to electric team.
I supported specialists about gas turbine.
This is the most important part of power plan.
In power plant, it usually has three different sessions
that are gas turbine, boiler system (HRSG) and electricity production.
When I came back to U.S, I really wanted to learn about power plant system.
However, I changed my decision.
Actually, I am still confused about my major studying.
Sometimes I perfer to study about mechnics but I also like
to study about business because I have a small business......
Anyway, I will study for a long period because I love to learn someting.^^

2009년 10월 30일 금요일

World Series..

Actually, I am not a fan of Yankee but I like Yankee.
Yesterday, They won the second game of World Series.
One of my favorite baseball players , Alex Rodriguez , wasn't
good at that game. I think that he felt too nervous and
had too much pressure about hitting because he is the
best slugger in his team. However, I belive that he will
be better next game on Saturday. Especailly, My brother
is one of crazy fans of Yankee so I think I will get a chance
to watch next game tomorrow.^^

2009년 10월 28일 수요일

Flash writing...

Today, I learnd the Flash writing. Actually, I haven't heard about it.
When I was in school, I usually don't like writing something.
I prefer to solve mathematical questions.
Therefore, when I write about a topic, I usually hesitate to do it.
Even I don't like writing something by my native language.
I hope that Flash writing will help me to improve my English writing.

2009년 10월 20일 화요일

The last week...

We have been studying for almost one and half months.
It was very exciting and interesting study to me.
Especially, I was so happy that I could learn English
from my favorite teacher Barby.^^
The time is always passing too past to me.
Actually, I am so unhappy to be seperated with Barby.
However, I belive that my learning will bring new life to me
because I already improve my English skills.
I really appreciate your teching Barby.
When I start this class, I was anxious about learning English.
But you have led me to the best way of learning.
I hope that you will be doing good everywhere and
be a wonderful mother and beautiful wife Barby.....

2009년 10월 17일 토요일

Car accdient...

My father had a car accdient two months ago.
At first time, He looked fine and couldn't notice that
he had injuries on his neck and left knee.
After 3days, He went to the hospital which
was recommanded by his lawer.
Untill this week, He used to visit the hospital
to take a therapy at least 3 times in a week.
On saturday, I took him to the other hospital
to make an appointment for his left knee's surgery.
So He will get a blood test before his surgery and
have the surgery on Friday.
Therefore, Now he is scaring a little bit.
I am trying to make him come down.
I hope that his surgery will be done without any physical pain.

Bruce Lee...

Have you ever heard about Bruce Lee??
I definitely can say that he is the best Martial artist
in the world.
He was born in california in 1940
and died in Hong Kong in 1973.
When I saw him in a movie, I was a shock.
He was very fast and powerful.
He invented the Jeet Kune Do.
When I was in Korea, I learned it from one
of his students who was Korean for 1 year.
It was very interesting and exciting.
If you want to learn it, I will teach you some.....
Or If you want to see this martial art,
I can show you how it works.

2009년 10월 11일 일요일


Today I was totally tired. I went to a shopping with my parents.
I usually don't want to go shopping with them.
Today I want to buy a remon because one of my friends
got fragnant. She asked to buy a remon for her.
So, I visited a Key-Food with them.
I stayed that store like 40 minutes.
After I come back to my home, I was so tired.
I don't go a shopping like that much.

2009년 10월 9일 금요일


Have you ever played a computer game??
Actually, I love to play the computer game.
When I was in my native country, I used to play
the computer game whole night on friday.
This is one of my favorites computer game.
It is a kind of shooting game and team play game.
You have two option here.
You can be a terrorist or police.
It also can use a multi-play by internet.
In Korea, The internet speed is very fast, so you
can play this game without lacking.

2009년 10월 3일 토요일


Today is my country's holiday.
We call this day "Chu-Suk."
It's like a thanks giving day in America.
We usually visite father's house eventhough
it is too long to visit. We cook specially food for celebrating.
We can meet every cousins and hometown friends
in this day. So my friends who live in Korea call me
and they send me a greating.
If I can make a food that we usually cook in this day,
I really want to invite everybody.

2009년 10월 2일 금요일

Cristiano Ronaldo...

Have you heard about Cristiano Ronaldo??????
He is the best soccer in the world.
He is from Portugal and only 23 years old.
He used to play in Manchester United which is involved
in England premier league.
Now, he transfered to Real Madrid which is involved
in Spain proleague.He won the best play on FIFA in 2008. When he move to R.M , they paid like 80,000,000 pounds to U.D.
Can you imagine it?? His foot is the best expensive body part that we have never seen before.
Acually, I like a basketball better than a soccer but I like him so much.
When I watched his play firsttime, I was shock. He was wonderful. In2010, The World Soccer Champion ship (FIFA) will start. If you can get a chance to see that game, I recommand that to see his play on TV.