2009년 9월 19일 토요일

Bae Dal Choi

Bae Dal Choi is one of my favorite
heros. He is Korean but also he is
Japanese too.
When he was at an young age, The World War 2 was started.
So he moved to japan and he began to practice his Karade.
After he invented his own Karade, he fought with 100 masters
who were good at a martial art. Unbelieveblely, He won
hunderds times. He had never loosen at any matches.
Moreover, He fought with 49 cows and he won from them.
Even 4 cows were died in that death match.
He was died in 1994. When he lived, he wrote about his Karade
and also he was a Karade master in FBI headquarter.

댓글 3개:

  1. Wow it is really interesting, is he ur relative

  2. oh! he was really tough!!!
    do u do karate too??

  3. He killed four cows. WOW! Is it a legend or a fact?
