2009년 9월 27일 일요일


I usually get up at 6:00 in the morning.
At 7:00 a.m, I open my father's store.
Until I go to the class, I usually work in that store.
After the class is finished , I go to the other store.
At 7:00 p.m, I close the other store and I
drive to my house.
Mostly, I arrive my house at8:00 p.m
and eat dinner.
So now I am so tired......

2009년 9월 25일 금요일

Online MBA....


Click above first..!!!

Have you heard about Online education?
Nowday, there are thousands of Online educations on website.
When I was in my country, one of my friends recommanded
Online education which was "Pacific Yale University".
When I heard that, I was very interested about it.
However, that Online University wasn't real.
They just made website and deceived students who already
paied their tuition. So goverment investigated about it for a
longtime. If you want to get a education, you must check
website which is on this youube.

2009년 9월 20일 일요일

Kobe Bean Bryant is an American shooting guard who plays for the LA Lakers in the NBA.
I like him so much. When I was in a highschool, I used to play basketball with my friends.
At that time, I always Watched his play on TV until midnight. In 2000 ~ 2002, He and his teammate ,who was O'Leal, led to final in NBA.
Since O'Leal left his team, Kobe has led his team. Now he is getting old but Still he is good at his position. I hope that I want to see his play very closely.

2009년 9월 19일 토요일

Bae Dal Choi

Bae Dal Choi is one of my favorite
heros. He is Korean but also he is
Japanese too.
When he was at an young age, The World War 2 was started.
So he moved to japan and he began to practice his Karade.
After he invented his own Karade, he fought with 100 masters
who were good at a martial art. Unbelieveblely, He won
hunderds times. He had never loosen at any matches.
Moreover, He fought with 49 cows and he won from them.
Even 4 cows were died in that death match.
He was died in 1994. When he lived, he wrote about his Karade
and also he was a Karade master in FBI headquarter.

2009년 9월 13일 일요일

My church...

Every sunday I have to go to my church which is in Glen Cove.
I usually play a bass guitar during a worship and also sing in a
gaspel sing team. Before I was born, my family used to go a
presbyterian church but now we go to a baptist church.
Actually, in this time many Koean people want to go a church
because mostly in the church we can make friends easily.
When I was a kid, my father didn't want to go the church.
Thus, my mother and My father often discussed about going
church but now everybody want to go the church on sunday.
We enjoy lunch with church friends and somtimes go out
for a picnic.

2009년 9월 12일 토요일

Birth day party..

I am goiong to have a birthday party tonight. So now I am waiting
for my friend. Actually, My birthday is Sep. 15th but all friends want
to make a party tonight. I already reservated a room in Koean restraunt
in Queens. We will have a dinner with birthday cake. This is the second
time to make a birthday part in NewYork. Last year, I had a great fun.
I wish this time will be batter than before.

2009년 9월 7일 월요일

The first...

When I begin something, I usually hestate to start.
Studying in college was also hard to start to me but I chose it.
This is first time to learn in NCC. Before I decide this school ,
I visited 3 different schools. Every school has a various type of opportunity.
However, the problem was they are too far to attend to school.
Now, I am satisfying to study English here.
I want to improve my skill when I finish this semester and also
want to make more friends for having a nice campus life.