2009년 10월 17일 토요일

Car accdient...

My father had a car accdient two months ago.
At first time, He looked fine and couldn't notice that
he had injuries on his neck and left knee.
After 3days, He went to the hospital which
was recommanded by his lawer.
Untill this week, He used to visit the hospital
to take a therapy at least 3 times in a week.
On saturday, I took him to the other hospital
to make an appointment for his left knee's surgery.
So He will get a blood test before his surgery and
have the surgery on Friday.
Therefore, Now he is scaring a little bit.
I am trying to make him come down.
I hope that his surgery will be done without any physical pain.

댓글 2개:

  1. your father will have a surgery this friday?? I will pray for him, too. He will be getting better..
